Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I was in my volleyball class today and as I was looking around at my classmates I was noticing their smiles. It wasn't one of those 'oh each person's smiles are unique and different' thoughts,  It was more like I noticed that every person looked the most attractive when they were smiling.

My attention was constantly drawn to people who were smiling with sincerity. You know those smiles that people smile and it makes their eyes twinkle?? Those are so beautiful! I was just amazed how perfectly smiles like that fit on everyone's face. It's like God designed people's faces around how beautiful they would look when they were smiling. Really smiling!!

Have you ever noticed how contagious a smile can be? When I see someone smile it instantly makes me want to smile back. Even when I'm having a rough day! It's the same thing when people's faces light up when they see me. Those genuine "I'm happy to see you" expressions. Whenever I see that my face just naturally starts brightening up too!

Joy, laughter, smiles. Those are all contagious, and so beautiful!!

So Smile! I want to see your joy!!

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