Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Number One!!!

So I don't ever really see any theme that I will be using yet, but here we go!!
Blog Number One and I am excited!! :D

So, I was sickly today. >.< It was the type of sick that started with a pain in my stomach and then continued to be a slight nausea and fatigue for the rest of the day. So I took the day off! I'm currently in the middle of a Daniel Fast so I decided that potato soup was the best way to feel better!!
Having the kitchen to myself while everyone else was at work I made a scrumptious meal that the whole family enjoyed when they got home!!

How it went down:
I started by chopping and sauteing some onion and some garlic. Then I put the sauteed onion and garlic into a pan with a can of green beans and some tomatoes. I decided it needed more tomato flavor so I added some tomato sauce. To the amazing concoction I added some potatoes and some corn. It was incredibly yummy yummy yummy!!

First time making soup from scratch and I didn't even use or need a recipe! It was awesome!!

Now I'm watching survivor with gma and gpa while knitting another scarf! :D

Hope everyone else had an awesome Wednesday as well!!

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