Friday, November 25, 2011

Facing Fears, and leaving behind past feelings

     A few days ago, I sent a message to an old friend who had hurt me pretty bad. I told them about how I was effected by what they did, and that even though we couldn't be friends anymore, I forgave them. I told them how amazing they were and that God had such great plans for them in their life. I
was not rude, nor mean in the conversation, but I told them honestly, and sincerely that I was sure that God had many great plans for them and that I knew that they were going to do amazing things.

      For the first time in my life, I didn't run away from something that I was afraid of, and for the first time I felt like I had actually let something go and I didn't have to hold onto it anymore. It was such a great feeling!! There was this deep deep feeling of relief. I was terrified about how the conversation would go, but I faced it and I praise God that it went well and now I can let go of the hurt and bitterness.

     Slowly, and thoroughly I want to get rid of all the bad feelings that I harbor towards people that have hurt me in my past, and tell them personally that I forgive them. I want to seek closure for all the wounds that I have kept open for so many years. I want to no longer be a runner, but to be able to trust people and love without fear of hurt or damage.

And with joy in my heart I will, as a good friend says, dance in the rain like I have never been wet before.

Would you like to join me?? Would you like to look the bitterness that you carry in the face and say 'You are no longer welcome in my heart.' If you allow Him to, God can replace that bitterness with a joy that will overwhelm everything else.

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